Unions say heart of the NZ game is secure

Unions say heart of the NZ game is secure

The majority of provincial unions that comprise New Zealand Rugby have voted to reformat the national Board so it retains links with the people who play it across the country. The provincial unions voted for the second of two proposals to change who is appointed to the Board, how they are selected, and how the Board is advised by a stakeholder council.

Chad Shepherd, CEO of CMFRU, said Proposal 2 will ensure the heart of the game remains with those who play it. “Counties Manukau Rugby will continue to connect with & service the 7,000 players & over 600 volunteers than work hard to ensure our community game flourishes”

Three of the Board members will be required to have amongst their governance skills, time on a provincial union board. The proposals were otherwise identical in their adoption of modern governance

A new Board will be appointed as soon as practicable. NZR said the unions expected plenty of applications from the hundreds of talented professionals with current or past experience running rugby Boards and clubs across the nation.