Trevor Strang given life membership at Onewhero

Trevor Strang given life membership at Onewhero

Long serving administrator Trevor Strang has been made a life member of the Onewhero Rugby Club at the club’s AGM this week.

Strang has held numerous roles within the Onewhero club as well as serving on the Counties Manukau Rugby Council of Delegates, where he has been a member of the executive in recent seasons.

Former club president James Lowry nominated Trevor for life membership.

“Trevor’s association with Onewhero Rugby began when I was president in 2009/2010,” Lowry said. “Back then he was involved with the establishment of the junior club and was the inaugural president of Onewhero Juniors.  He also coached a junior team for several years before coaching the 1st XV at Onewhero Area School.

“From his involvement with the juniors, he joined the senior club committee and has brought a wide range of skills with him. He keeps an experienced eye on the financial reports, he is the go to man for odd jobs around the club from fixing latches, changing light bulbs and sorting issues in the toilets and changing sheds.  He also organises and cooks the food for sponsors day and prizegiving.  If there is a job to be done Trevor gets on and does it.

“For the last few years, he has been Onewhero Rugby Club’s delegate at Counties where he always has our best interests in hand and is considered a valued member of the council of delegates. Plus, Trevor formats the Onewhero handbook every year.

“Trevor has an important role as Team Liaison for the Steelers opposition team at our home games.  Trevor is always on hand to muck in and help out.  We are truly thankful to Trevor for his help with the Steelers home games.” 

Meanwhile Chris Nicholson has taken over from John Deihl as president of Onewhero. The committee thanked John for his years of service as president, he worked hard and led the club well through COVID and celebrated the successes this year winning the under 85kg championship.