Junior Club Contacts



Chair TBC
Registration Coordinator Amanda Nanai I  M 021 778 675 | E  registrar.jrc@gmail.com
Bylaws Coordinator

Mark Jensen | M 027 2666 330 | E bylaws.jrc@gmail.com

Disputes Officer TBC
Game Management Coordinator            Jim Thurston | M 027 472 0263 | E jtag@rocketmail.com
CMRFU Head of Community Rugby       Matt Megaw | M 0274331023 |  E matt.megaw@steelers.co.nz 
CMRFU Administrator - Annette Tossell I M 027 227 9729  I E  annette.tossell@steelers.co.nz



Team Colours Blue, White & Red
Grounds / Clubrooms Team Sports Complex, Bruce Pulman Park, Gate B,  138 Walters Rd, Takanini
Postal Address PO Box 72-454, Papakura 2244
Website www.ardmoremarist.co.nz
Phone 027 331 4455
Email admin@ardmoremarist.co.nz 
President Nelly Roebeck | M 020 4130 4784 | E ntroebeck@gmail.com
Vice President Amy Newport | M 021 969 546 | E amy.newport16@gmail.com 
JCLG Delegate

Jimmy Sialafau | M 027 240 5277 | E jimmysialafau@gmail.com  

Chairperson  Chris Butler | M 021 807 976 | E chrisbutler15@gmail.com
Secretary Karen Foster | M 022 314 3626 | E karen.foster@outlook.co.nz 
Treasurer Dylan Chatterton | M 021 802 211 | E dylan.chatterton@gmail.com
Registrar Jarrod Firth  | M : 0212630807 | E admin@ardmoremarist.co.nz
Saturday Morning Contact TBC


Team Colours Navy Blue & Orange 
Grounds / Clubrooms Te Puru Sports Park, 954 Whitford-Maraetai Road, Beachlands 
Postal Address PO Box 126, Beachlands, Auckland 2147
Website www.sporty.co.nz/beachlandsmaraetai 
President / Saturday Morning Contact James Gemmell | M 027 231 5558 | E president@bmrc.co.nz  
Vice President Andrew Smith| M 027 495 1140 | E vicepresident@bmrc.co.nz
Treasurer Alana Munro | M 021 325 262 | E treasurer@bmrc.co.nz 
Club Co-ordinator / Secretary Lorna Lee | M 021 971 796 | E club.coordinator@bmrc.co.nz
JCLG Delegate Jamie Dexter | M 027 643 6108 | E jmb.delegate@bmrc.co.nz 
Registrar Briar Kelly | M 021 499 870 | E registrar@bmrc.co.nz  
Girls Rugby Development Officer TCB
Communications Coordinator Ashley Grogan | M 021 184 5639 | E comms@bmrc.co.nz
Fundraising Manager TBC
Club Captain Simon Kirby | M 021 967 292 | E club.captain@bmrc.co.nz


Team Colours Black & Gold
Grounds / Clubrooms 30 Paparata Road, Bombay
Postal Address C/- Secretary, 502 Paparata Rd, Bombay
Website https://www.sporty.co.nz/bombayrugby/Junior-1/Junior-1
Club Phone 09 236 0620
President  Dave Taylor | M 0274 160 593 | E davidjonathantaylor@gmail.com
Secretary  Dan Bailey | M 021 137 0284  | E secretarybjrfc@gmail.com
Treasurer Cushla Geck | E treasurerbjrfc@gmail.com
JCLG Delegate Shane Thompson | M 021 255 1397 | E shanet@cml.co.nz / Sarah Cooper I E sarah@rockyourbump.co.nz
Registrar Shanae Thomson | M 021 0225 9089 | E registrarbjrfc@gmail.com 
Club Captain Mike Ruth | M 021 402 054 | E mike_g_ruth@yahoo.co.uk 
Girls Rippa Registrar


Team Colours Green & Gold
Grounds / Clubrooms Drury Domain, 30 Tui Street, Drury 
Postal Address PO Box 58, Tui Street, Drury
Website https://www.druryrugby.co.nz
President  Melissa Farrell | M 021 281 7649 | E druryjuniorrugby@gmail.com

Josie Tohovaka | M 021 1205 532 | E Josephine_erick@hotmail.com

Treasurer Rod Moody | M 021 523 177 | E rodmoody@gmail.com
JCLG Delegate  Ange Greenwood | M 021 887 180 | E ange.greenwood@hotmail.com
Registrar / Saturday Morning Contact Kellie Elder-Morunga | E kellie_elder@hotmail.com
Saturday Morning Contact Josh Olsen | E josh@olsencommercial.co.nz


Team Colours Red & White
Grounds / Clubrooms / Postal Address Karaka Community Events Centre, 372 Blackbridge Road, Karaka 2580
Club Phone 022 043 1606
Website www.karakarugbyclub.co.nz
President Mike Clark & Mark Jensen | M 021 909 215 (Mike), 027 2666 330 (Mark) | E juniorpresident@karakarugby.co.nz
Secretary Karina Wallace | M 021 276 6529 | E juniorsecretary@karakarugby.co.nz
Treasurer Chris Chandler | M 021 240 8030 | E juniortreasurer@karakarugby.co.nz
JCLG Delegate Mark Jensen | M 027 2666 330 | E juniordelegate@karakarugby.co.nz
Registrar TBC| M TBC | E juniorregistrar@karakarugby.co.nz
Saturday Morning Contact Mike Clark | M 021 909 215  | E juniorclubcaptain@karakarugby.co.nz


Team Colours Green & White
Grounds / Clubrooms Mountfort Park, Dr Pickering Avenue, Manurewa
Postal Address PO Box 75 048, Manurewa, Auckland 2102
Website www.manurewarugby.co.nz 
Phone (09) 266 8332
Chairperson / JCLG Delegate Carla Hayes | M 021 147 3657 | E carlahayes2001@gmail.com
Secretary  Camilla Wright | M 021 042 5472 | E camillawright02@gmail.com 
Treasurer  Kylee Sauni | M 021 377 724 | E thesaunis@hotmail.com 
Registrar / Saturday Morning Contact / Club Captian Amanda Nanai | M 021 778 675 | E maw.nanai@gmail.com


Club Captain Shayla Whare I M 021 128 9773 I shaylawhare@yahoo.com


Team Colours Green & Black
Grounds / Clubrooms 2222 State Highway 2, Maramarua
Website www.sporty.co.nz/maramaruatugby
President / Saturday Morning Contact  Ian Stanton | M 027 442 6001 | E stants@hotmail.co.nz
Sectretary Moira Soppet | M 027 481 7152 | E soppet1@xtra.co.nz 
Treasurer Juila Millen  | E juliaharrison1@gmail.com
JCLG Delegate Todd Black | M 027 541 4219 | E todd@tdmconstruction.co.nz 
Registrar Melissa van den Brink | M 021 337 332 | E melissa.vandenbrink@smithandsons.co.nz 


Team Colours Royal Blue, Black & Maroon
Grounds / Clubrooms Onewhero Domain,14 Hall Road, Onewhero
Postal Address PO Box 13, Tuakau 2121
Website www.sporty.co.nz/onewherorugby
Phone (09) 232 8769
President / JMB Delegate Jeremy Baldwin | M 027 405 3336 | E titpuller@hotmail.com
Vice President Lee Markham | M 027 476 6147 | E markhamagri@gmail.com 
Secretary Maymond Bovill | M 027 596 0138 | E bovill75@gmail.com 
Treasurer Nicole | M 027 870 7075 | E onewherorugbyclub@gmail.com
JCLG Delegate Jim Thurston | M 027 472 0263 | E jtag@rocketmail.com 
Registrar Anja Martin | M 021 120 5581 | E anjamartin007@gmail.com 
Registrar Chanelle Laker | M 027 699 8058  | E chanellelaker@gmail.com
Saturday Morning Contact Chris Wilson | M 021 100 8148 | E ahchoicebro@hotmail.com
Chairman Jared van der Vyver I M 022 067 8755 I E vdvyver.family@gmail.com


Team Colours Black & Red 
Grounds  Massey Park, 2 Ron Keat Drive, Papakura
Clubrooms Southern Park, Papakura
Postal Address PO Box 72 128, Papakura, 2244
Website www.papakurarugby.co.nz
Phone (09) 299 8055

Sam Suanders | M 021 626 163 | E clubpresident.papakurawasps@gmail.com 

Registar Fiona Saunders | M 022 0121 986 | E fiona.j.saunders@gmail.com
Secretary  Hannah Kennedy-Watarawi | M 021 260 1558  | E kennedywatarawi17@gmail.com 
Vice President TBC
Treasurer TBC
Saturday Morning Contact Sam Suanders | M 021 626 163 | E clubpresident.papakurawasps@gmail.com
Junior Club Captain Hannah Kennedy-Watarawi | M 021 260 1558  | E kennedywatarawi17@gmail.com
Junior Club Cultural Advisor Tuatea Kennedy-Watarawi | M 021 058 4025 | E thkw17@gmail.com


Team Colours Blue & Gold
Grounds / Clubrooms Patumahoe Domain, Johns Street, Patumahoe / Clive Howe Reserve
Postal Address 41 Clarks Beach Road, Clarks Beach 2122
Website www.patumahoerugby.co.nz
President / Saturday Morning Contact Craig Harkness | M 021 322 258 | E president.patumahoejuniorrugby@gmail.com 
Vice President  Kurk Brady | M 021 429 776 | E vpresident.patumahoejuniorrugby@gmail.com 
Secretary Michelle Wheatley | M 021 119 7115 | E secretary.patumahoejuniorrugby@gmail.com 
Treasurer Noel De Villiers | M 020 4079 0643 | E treasurer.patumahoejuniorrugby@gmail.com 
Club Captain Andrew Lilley I M 021828118 I E Club.patumahoejuniorrugby@gmail.com
JCLG Delegate Scott Rowe | M 027 414 1317 | E jmb.patumahoejuniorrugby@gmail.com 
Registrar Emily Spooner Starnes | M 021 077 7710 | E registrar.patumahoejuniorrugby@gmail.com 
Girls Rugby Gary Starnes | M 027 216 4473 | E girls.patumahoejuniorrugby@gmail.com 


Team Colours Green & Gold
Grounds / Clubrooms Colin Lawrie Fields, Reynolds Road, Pukekohe
Postal Address PO Box 200, Pukekohe 2340
Website www.pukekoherugby.co.nz
President Patrick Twomey | E patrick@twomanstructures.co.nz
Treasurer & Secretary Andrew Armitage | E treasurer@pukekoherugby.co.nz
JCLG Delegate Kris Hines M I 0274618686 I E kris@prodrill.co.nz
Layne Shephard M I 027 2870256 | E laynes@fluidchristeyns.com
Registrar Yvonne Newton | M 027 427 6668 | E yvonne99@xtra.co.nz
Club Captain Daniel Aylward | M 027 270 3560 |  E daniel@aylwarddrainage.co.nz
Saturday Game Day Manager / Junior Registrar Sam Marshall | M 021 254 9362 | E gdm@pukekoherugby.co.nz


Team Colours Maroon, White & Black
Grounds / Clubrooms Puni Reserve, Attewell Road, Puni
Postal Address PO Box 780, Pukekohe 2340
Website www.sporty.co.nz/punirfc
Email punirfsc@hotmail.com
President Jack Kani | M 021 085 60660 | E jackdamakani@hotmail.co.nz 
Secretary  Margaret Symons | M 021 102 8609 | E margiesymons@hotmail.com
Treasurer Luana Kani | M 021 208 6539 | E kitanquej@hotmail.com
JCLG Delegate / Saturday Morning Contact Georgina King | M 021 894 625 | E puni.jnrs@outlook.co.nz 


Team Colours Yellow, Black & White
Grounds / Clubrooms The Domain, Mahi Road, Te Kauwhata
Postal Address PO Box 30, Te Kauwhata 3741
Website www.sporty.co.nz/tekauwhata
President / Saturday Morning Contact Tash Johnson | M 021 918 082 | E tashjohnsontkrugby@gmail.com
Secretary / Registrar Becky Nicholson | M 022 177 3160 | E becky_ping@hotmail.com
Treasurer  Emily Welch | M 021 776 486 | E emilywelch648@gmail.com
JCLG Delegate Warren Graham | M 021 453 372 | E thegardenkeeper@hotmail.co.nz 
Health and Safety Officer Shirley Scott | E tkjunior@gmail.com 


Team Colours Royal Blue & White
Grounds / Clubrooms Tuakau Rugby Grounds, Escotts Road, Tuakau
Postal Address 11 Carr Street, Tuakau 
Website www.sporty.co.nz/tuakaurfc
President / Saturday Morning Contact Matt Green | M  021 224 2900 | E penrosepaper@gmail.com
Secretary / Treasurer Ange Barlow

Shaynon Pearson | E tuakaujuniorrugby@gmail.com

Kimberley Reuben | M 021 203 8771 | E the_reubens@yahoo.co.nz

Committee Member

Kerryn Smith | M  021 157 2730 | E kerryn.202@hotmail.com



Team Colours Green & Red
Grounds / Clubrooms 34 King Street, Waiuku
Website https://waiukudrfc.co.nz
President / Saturday Morning Contact Matt Bradbury | M 021 984 020 | E thepresident.wjrc@gmail.com 
JCLG Delegate Ross Drummond | M 027 460 6072 | E radelectrical@hotmail.com 
Vice President Dean White | E thevp.wrjc@gmail.com 
Secretary Allyse Cuming | M 027 765 9000 | E secretary.wjrc@gmail.com
Treasurer Hannah Turner | E thetreasurer.wjrc@gmail.com
Registrar Linda Forsman | E registrar.wjrc@gmail.com 


Team Colours Blue, Black & White
Grounds / Clubrooms 50 Gibbons Road, Weymouth, Auckland
Postal Address PO Box 75 383, Manurewa, Auckland 2243
Website www.sportsground.co.nz/weymouthrugby
President / JCLG Delegate /
Saturday Morning Contact
Joe Faliu | M 021 174 3322  | E tj.faliu@gmail.com
Secretary Susana Pook-Iosefa | M 021 022 11585 | E susanaiosefa16@gmail.com
Treasurer Alice Tuua | M 021 022 11585 | E alicetuua@hotmail.co.nz 
Registrar Fiona Petaia | M 021 076 4931  | E fiona.petaia2014@gmail.com